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Sustainable Café

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What Sustainable Café Do

The heart of Sustainable Café is all about sustainable retail. We will offer our consumers across the world an online, e-commerce retail hub that exposes the best quality homeware products from suppliers who have incredible social responsibility and environmental track records. This will be established through a very simple audit we will ask our suppliers to complete as well as their certifications and overall reputations. We will promote their products on our new website and ask for a flat 10.5% commission fee for every purchase made.

What we do

Global Partnerships & Stakeholder Support

Sustainable Café will have a network of partnerships from around the world, including our friends who will be our suppliers, customers and various charities which we will give a significant proportion of our profits.

Our team will offer the best individual support we possibly can to every stakeholder in our network. This may include supporting issues of operations, customer service and all issues with marketing various promotions, amongst many others.

Sustainable Café’s Offerings

Discover the operations and marketing visions of Sustainable Café.

Effortless Online Ordering and Direct Delivery

The customer will access Sustainable Café online and place an order for a product. The order will go straight to the supplier’s inbox to be dispatched by them directly to the customer.

Social media marketing approach

Our commercial website will be beautifully commissioned and will be aggressively marketed through various social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Linkd In and others. This will be achieved with social media influencers and word of mouth, amongst other media aspects.

Influencer Marketing

Sustainable Café will be talked about by the influencers and will lean heavily on Instagram and Tik Tok. This should promote personal conversations between potential customers and gather traction for sales opportunities.

Promoting Sustainability Through Engaging Blogs

We will also write regular blogs about sustainable development and its evolution. We will especially promote our partners and their products, as well as the charitable aims for those we work with.

What our customers say

Read Our Wonderful Reviews

Take a moment to read our customer testimonials and hear about their experiences.

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