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  1. How old is Sustainable Café?

Sustainable Café was conceived in May 2023. It was an idea following on from a previous ethical business which was going to sell chocolate, only that market is saturated.

  1. Will shipping costs be reimbursed?

We at  Sustainable Café are passionate about honest business and working fairly with everyone we work with. We will not accept additional costs to your shipping fees.

Of the total 10.5% overall  fee we charge for selling your product, we will reimburse any additional financial gain that we may incur from your shipping costs.

  1. What is the cost of listing products?

Sustainable Café will only ask for a standard fee of 10.5% for every purchase made from our commercial site. It is as simple as that.

We would love to list your products and there will be no additional costs.

However, your listing priorities will be based on the score from our optional sustainable audit we will ask you to submit.

  1. What is the competition?

Given that there are hundreds of sellers of specific products like rugs, candles and throws on larger better known websites, some suppliers and sellers may be overlooked by potential customers no matter how wonderful their products are.

Sustainable Café Ltd reach out to the most ethical and environmentally friendly suppliers and invite them to make meaningful partnerships us. We ensure the products we sell are of excellent quality and are sustainable to the nth degree.

That makes competition with other sellers from the Sustainable Café website much less and everyone wins!

  1. Who are our customers and where do they come from? What is the general demographic?

Our diverse customer demographics from around the world are people who want to buy very good quality products.  Each product we sell should have a story of a caring nature for the environment and the people who spend their time making those products. Our tag line, “we sell the world’s most ethical homewares” is exactly what we are about and should be a starting point for our customers who buy the products we sell.

  1. How many people access the site/ how many customers to expect?

Given the young nature of Sustainable Café, we expect there will be a slow burn to start with. On the other hand, with our marketing strategy going forward, we expect a lot more international site exposure. Possibly through word of mouth, we will have an exponential increase of browsers and customers who will access our site.

  1. Why should my business sell on Sustainable Café Ltd?

Sustainable Café Ltd plan to have an excellent ethical and quality reputation amongst our expanding customer base. That is to say that our supplier base will be hand-picked from the best of the best producers of quality sustainable products we plan to sell on their behalf.

Considering the quaint nature of the early stage of our initial website, we will not have too many suppliers selling.

Instead, our ethos is very much a family unit whereby we will support each supplier and customer individually as much as we can on a case by case nature.

  1. Customer service?

If a customer is unhappy, we will work with them to the best of our ability and ensure they are happy with their purchase and communication between the seller and customer is satisfactory.

On the other hand, should a customer be over the moon about a product they bought and love it as much as we expect they will, we will shout those successes from the rooftops and plug that supplier as much as we can through our blogs and social media.

  1. How many visits can I expect in a given quarter?

During the early stages of Sustainable Café Ltd, I expect there will be a gradual increase of visitors to the commercial online shop. In due course, hopefully, word of mouth of how wonderful the products we sell will spread. Along with our aggressive social media campaigns the traffic should increase considerably.

Furthermore, onwards, we will continue to increase our range of products and suppliers and ensure our products continue to be fresh and new exciting ranges for more customers to want to browse and buy.

  1. What is the longevity of Sustainable Café?

As the founder and director of Sustainable Café, I hope that Sustainable Café Ltd will be around for generations after I die and continue to advocate for the best possible impacts to our planet, animals and the humans who make and sell the products.

My vision is to turn traditional retail on its head and make sustainable retail a thing for anyone who wants to be part of the solution.


Thank you for reading my thoughts.


Yours Sincerely,


Found and Director of Sustainable Café Ltd