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As the summer has finally hit the UK, moreover London, our beautiful parks are packed and people are wearing flip flops and shorts like they are going out of style.

This summer so far has had some great exciting prospects.

For example, our team at Sustainable Café are hoping for an investment opportunity to actualize this fantastic project. If things go well, I expect we will hope to start trading early in 2025. Fingers firmly crossed.

So far, we have had some interest with various candle makers from the UK and will continue to plug Sustainable Café with our personalized letters and emails to potential suppliers who will hopefully become part of our wonderful collective.

As we are beginning to reach the crescendo of our wonderful summer vibe in sunny London, I ponder at what products we might sell when the season returns in the new year of 2025?

At this point of the project, Sustainable Café Ltd is little more than a wonderful idea and our initial plans are to market autumn and winter products. Let’s face it, the chillier months will be the busiest time of the year, unless you are a travel agent.

The products we will sell, if the project gets off the ground, will be part of a pilot.

We will start by selling scatter cushions, floor rugs, candles and throws which will have been sourced from the most environmental and socially conscious suppliers we can partner with.

In our questionnaire we will ask our suppliers to fill out will include aspects of the manufacturing supply chain upstream. We will look at their carbon footprint, environmental impacts as well as the issues of personnel well-being. Are workers at risk of exploitation in any possible manner? Are they being paid fairly and on time and do their children have access to a sustainable education?

This is a crucial part of our ethos at Sustainable Café. We want our immediate and extended family, such as our suppliers and customers to be happy.

In our opinion, having a decent quality of life should certainly be a universal human right which everyone on the planet should enjoy as much as I do in London.

Back to the quandary of what products we may put on our website in the summer of ’25? At this point, I am not too sure. Would a floor rug cover it? Would scatter cushions on a new settee be appealing? These things in terms of marketing will be crucial to ensure the viability of Sustainable Café. It is all about what is ethical and what our customers want to buy.

In the meantime, the key thing will be to get our purchasing site up and running and getting more of our wonderful suppliers on board.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you will have a fantastic summer.

With warmest wishes,


Founder and Director of Sustainable Café Ltd.