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I would personally like to thank everyone who has been able to support Sustainable Café since we began in May last year to now and well into 2024 and beyond. My thanks certainly reach out to our new friends and partnerships, the web designers and of course, like in any big gratitude speech, I have to thank my wonderful parents.

The good so far is how we have contacted potential suppliers in the UK for our candles phase of this project and have had some amazing replies of whom I look forward to working with into this new, wonderfully bold year.

Hopefully, once we have the purchasing website running, we will have more collaborations going forwards and establish more really awesome long-lasting partnerships.

Some exciting projects for January will be to start work on the throw pillows aspect and reach out to some of the most ethical and sustainable providers and really make some inroads with new partnerships.

Also, we will be exploring the opportunities that the 1% For the Planet offer as a charity, supporting some of the best environmental projects. Sustainable Café will explore this incredible initiative and what we can do to support their sustainability agenda.

If all goes well, our membership of the 1% team will be our first regular charitable donation which without a shred of doubt will be start of a domino effect of many more.

Sustainable Café Ltd is about supporting the environment, the people working in it, their families and really harnessing some of the most important ethical aspects of manufacture and marketing.

That is why we ask our suppliers to fill out our Environmental and Social Engagement Audit. Ultimately, the answers they give us will decide whether we will accept them on our purchasing website and based on their score, their priority in our listings.

For January, we will be researching every possible thread we can about sustainable throw cushions.

There are some incredible artisan weavers and crafters around the world who we look forward to making friends with.

I have seen some incredibly beautiful throws in tandem with unbelievable stories of women who have overcome hard times.

One woman’s story in particular was especially inspiring through her hard work and skill producing fantastically beautiful textiles. How she now owns a small plot of land and a smart phone after dealing with an incredibly tight budget. Not only that, but her children are being educated, eating well and having a decent childhood.

This is exactly what we are about at Sustainable Café and look forward to hearing more success stories as more lives develop to something ideal.

Thank you all for being part of this wonderful project and I truly hope to meet many of you and continue to establish more incredible partnerships.

With warmest wishes,

Mark, Director of Sustainable Café Ltd