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Today, for me, is a very special time of year.

That one bit of peacefulness of the year between the crazy of Christmas when families get together and feast like no other time and the New Year…  A whole new year, filled with hope and aspirations.

Today’s blog will be about the peaceful moments we can find in this space of the year to reflect on the good things that happened during the festive season. The incredible food, wonderful company and memories that might, perhaps last for the rest of our lives.

Today is more a time to reflect on the fantastic things which happened over the past year. Some highlights were the inspiration of starting a new amazing business and incorporating Sustainable Café with Companies House amongst lots of personal milestones.

One of which was just yesterday, when my friend chatted to a homeless man who was camped outside a Tesco. He told her how the cold was biting him, with the wind and rain making him shiver in the cold and damp.

After watching a vlog from Crisis by the CEO, she was inspired to ask him what he really wanted that day. Like many in his position, he asked for the basics, a hot chocolate, socks and a pair of gloves. Given the importance of keeping warm and the spirit of that time of year, she popped into the shop and picked up some gloves, a pair of socks and gave him £2.50 for when the hot drinks machine came back online.

For me, that was one of the proudest moments of my time with her. To not be frightened and instead harness his vulnerability with her own and realize the importance of sharing her kind human nature to the best extent she possibly could offer.

Going into 2024, I hope for only the best. Not only for her new friend, but also for Sustainable Café to make some serious inroads for ethical and sustainable online retail.

So many opportunities on the horizon. So many ethical products to market and so many opportunities for our potential customers to enjoy.

For 2024, hopefully our commercial website will be up and running once funding and our suppliers have been confirmed.

I am so excited about the wonderful prospects that 2024 has in store for Sustainable Café, how this could just be a majorly transformative year for making sustainable retail (and manufacture) something that anyone can be part of.

Thank you all so much for making Sustainable Café the most sustainable retailer in the world.

With warmest wishes,


Director, Sustainable Café Ltd